Monday, May 22, 2017

Converted and kitbashed lootas

For my deahskulls I converted 2 lootas. I will have a third one but i need greenstuff for that one. so that will have to wait

The one on the left has a deffgun that shots lasers (the backpack is a giant battery). hes made from a burna and one of the deffguns. hes called fish-head-busta.

the one on the right has a heavy bolter that shoots low power plasma bolts. hes made from the loota mek arms, a boyz squad back pack and imp guard heavy weapon team heavy bolter. hes named gun-smasha.

 fish-head-busta is named that becuase when his group of boyz were attacking tau. He throw a bomb on a tau hammer. the bomb was palced in a way that none of the guns were damaged and the engine was fine. When busta brought the local mek his catch the mek made him his custom laser gun.

 gun-smasha got his name when he saw a imp guard heavy weapon team with a heavy bolter. 
gun smasha got jealous of the imp guard, killed them and toke the bolter. He then brought the heavy bolter to the mek and the mek made the heavy bolter able to shoot plasma bolts.

Friday, May 12, 2017

WAAAGH!!! Rising: part 1: How i'm collecting the army

I have decide to start  a Ork DeathSkull army. I will talk about reason in a different post as this post is much more about the totally rad and kual army i have so far and a bit of fluff.

A different thing i am doing with my army is collecting it as the army grows stronger. This will be similar  to mini-war gaming path to glory. However I prefer to compare it to the first Ork mission in Winter Assault.

 Now for those who dont know the first Ork mission in WA it was great. you played was a ork Warboss, and you were trying to gather a WAAGH!!

You did this by beating the living shit out of other ork klans. then beating up some guard to prove your green orky salt. When you first beat the ork klans each one gives you a different unit for example you see some orks "worshiping" a tank (I suppose they have not heard of Gork and Mork. \

Any ways once to beat the orks worshiping the tanks you get, if i remember you get, Meks, Tanks and other vehicles.

I plan on doing something very similar. I will start out by beating other orks in herald of ruin kill team. this will be me starting my WAAGH!! and getting special guys. For example in one mission I will protect a Mek form other Orks. After that I will be able to take trukks.

Then I may try to protect a runt herder once I do that I will be able to take grots, mek gunz and killa kanz. However If i did not first get the mek I would be unable to make mek gunz, and killa kanz.

I will make a chart most likley of what I need to do for things.

Welp that seems like a big wall of text Ill do the rest in a different post (BTW I will be battle Reps for my army)