Thursday, January 31, 2019

3 specialists wip part 1

made a runtherd, a mek with an big shoota, and updated my old mek with a Pokkit Rokkit Launcha. 

 Left to right, runtherd, mek with a Pokkit Rokkit Launcha, and mek with a big shoota.
 side shot
runtherd close up. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ork ard shootas WIP part 1

Here are some ard boyz with shootas. will have some more out soon

How to make purity seals for 40k and other games in 6 easy steps.

in this tutorial will teach you how to make purity seals out of greenstuff.
things you need
-Exacto blade (or another small knife)

when working with green stuff make sure to keep your fingers wet. 

1: Roll out some smooth green stuff. (I like to do this by rolling it out like pizza and cutting of any odd bits and making into a square)
 wait for about 45 mins
2: Next cut way the body of the purity seal
 3: Then cut a much smaller piece from the green stuff
 4: roll the smaller piece into a ball and then place the ball on the larger piece of green stuff
 5: flatten the ball out
 6: Then get something like a pen or paper clip and make the middle of the seal look like this
 example 1
  example 2 (instead of pushing into the center of the seal cut an X into the green stuff).