Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ork shoota boyz with sleeves wip part 1

Made some ork boyz with sleeves and shootas. to make the sleeves just slap some greenstuff on the arm then put your finger nail under the green stuff and then move your finger nail up. also made a random slugga and choppa boy with tools. The shoota squad has 8 shootas boyz,1 nob, 1 big shoota boy, and 1 radio boy (does not have stats just looks neat).

Monday, April 22, 2019

some ork burna boyz

I have been getting alot done lately but not on the orks so I have a large backlog to upload here. so heres the 1st part of the back log some burna boyz I made a while ago.

Monday, March 25, 2019

ork big gun wip2

Armored up two of the Big gun kannons, not the third one due to that one being the master kannon I need for measurements.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

ork big gun wip1

made some new kannons, I think they look a lot better then the old ones i had made.

 what the old ones looked like

Friday, February 15, 2019

Ork ard shootas WIP part 2

Made the rest of the ard shoots for the squad.

rokkit boy

                                                                   big shoota

Da boyz with shootas

  1. Nob with kustom shoota 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

3 specialists wip part 1

made a runtherd, a mek with an big shoota, and updated my old mek with a Pokkit Rokkit Launcha. 

 Left to right, runtherd, mek with a Pokkit Rokkit Launcha, and mek with a big shoota.
 side shot
runtherd close up. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ork ard shootas WIP part 1

Here are some ard boyz with shootas. will have some more out soon

How to make purity seals for 40k and other games in 6 easy steps.

in this tutorial will teach you how to make purity seals out of greenstuff.
things you need
-Exacto blade (or another small knife)

when working with green stuff make sure to keep your fingers wet. 

1: Roll out some smooth green stuff. (I like to do this by rolling it out like pizza and cutting of any odd bits and making into a square)
 wait for about 45 mins
2: Next cut way the body of the purity seal
 3: Then cut a much smaller piece from the green stuff
 4: roll the smaller piece into a ball and then place the ball on the larger piece of green stuff
 5: flatten the ball out
 6: Then get something like a pen or paper clip and make the middle of the seal look like this
 example 1
  example 2 (instead of pushing into the center of the seal cut an X into the green stuff).